Friday, November 30, 2012

I was unable to post the movie of their assembly last week on here because it was too long.  There is a letter going home today that invites you all in to help assemble gingerbread houses.  I will show the movie at that time so you all can see.  Thank you for sending in the supplies for this project.  On the letter is your assigned candy item along with some basic things to send in.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  We had a great return to school on Monday with the Scotia-Glenville Traveling Museum.  We learned all about long ago and the different chores and games and way of life they had.  This, along with the at home project, jumped started us into our Family Unit.  I look forward to seeing all of the mobiles come in on Tuesday.  It is fun learning about all of your family units and decorating our classroom with the finished projects. Today we learned what a glyph is and completed one all about our family.  We practiced stations this week and learned a new way of choosing and keeping track of which ones we have been at.  We also worked in our math journals this week and solved two more word problems.  We learned a new math game called Sudoku, which is a logic puzzle.  They are getting quite good at them.  I hope everyone is trying Scootpad at home.  I have uploaded on there some prizes they can earn in school for earning coins on Scootpad. You can find these on the ‘Approved Reward’ page on the website. Don’t forget to send your child with coats, hats and gloves for recess, now that it is getting colder out.

Have a wonderful weekend!!  Don’t forget to have your child read and practice math facts each night!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

This was a test for adding a movie to the blog.  Tomorrow is our Character Education Assembly, I am going to video it and try my best to put it on the blog for you to see.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Thank you again for a great visit on Tuesday!!  It was so nice to see so many of you.  If you weren't able to attend we will be having another opportunity for you to join us after the new year.  We have been busy practicing for our first grade character education assembly.  Though this is just for Eagle, make sure to ask your child all about it, they have worked really hard on getting ready to teach the school about gratitude.  We also had a chance this week to meet with our 3rd grade buddies.  We finished up our owl/bat unit, and each of us decided which creature was more amazing and why.  We also got to review plants by using the ibooks.  We are practicing double facts in math.  We also took several mad minutes this week and a bunch of our friends moved up to the next number. Thank you for your help with practicing these at home!!  Watch for the sight word sheet to come home with the facts on the back so you know which facts they should be studying (no sight words this week because of the short week).  Yesterday a paper went home explain the first grade social studies family project.  Please email me if you have any questions.  I look forward to meeting with all of you over the next few weeks at our parent conference.  Your child's report card will be uploaded to BC@home the day before we are scheduled to meet.  Please take the time to look this over before we see each other.
Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

I look forward to seeing all of you on Tuesday for American Ed week.  We have some fun activities planned.  Mrs. Fishbien will be in the room from 10:30-11:00 to do her weekly lesson.  From 10:30-12:30 there will be a menu of activities you and your child can work on across curriculum. At 12:30 we will be going to visit the Book Fair and you are welcome to join us.  The children go outside for recess at 12:50, but you are welcome to come back and join them in the cafeteria for lunch at 1:20.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Check out our pumpkin camp.  We ordered our pumpkins by height and weight and used ordinal numbers to do this.  We also predicted if our pumpkins would sink or float and discovered they all floated.

In math we worked with 10 Frames to add and subtract.  We finished up our Counting Books in writing and can't wait to share them with you when you come for American Ed Week on Tuesday, November 13th.